bandeau Aconit


Pour nous écrire :

© 2002-2020 - Aconit

Aconit is an association created in 1985 in Grenoble (Isère, France). The main goal of Aconit is to “create structures that will permit the study and the illustration of the evolution of computer science in a broad sense, reviving its history and following its future developments" (Article 1)

Aconit has several missions :
• Preserve material, intellectual and know-how patrimony and to open it to public access.
• Contribute to the development and the diffusion of scientific and technologic culture for the public.
• Create and support multidisciplinary researches for a better understanding of computer science and its social interactions

Aconit is involved in many projects, the most challenging of them being CERVIN. In this project, we aim to create a virtual resource center on digital innovation. If you would like to know more about it, check the website of the CERVIN project.

An additionnal presentation...

If you want to ask a question, become member, receive news from Aconit (in French), you can send an e-mail to or call to the +33 (0)4 76 48 43 60.

Aconit is located 12 rue Joseph Rey (38 000 GRENOBLE)
Office hours : Monday to Friday on 9:00 to 17:00.

Access :
Bus N° 12 stop Chorrier-Condorcet
Bus N° 1 stop Chorrier
Tram A or B stop Gares, St Bruno or Alsace Lorraine
Tram C stop Vallier - Jean Jaurés
Tram E stop Condorcet

For a map, clic here

Aconit’s collection includes more than 2200 machines, computers and hardware, stored in and old printing house in Grenoble’s city center : about 350 “big machines” and 1850 micro-computers, screens, modems, and old parts. Furthermore, it contains more than 10000 technical documents and some 1000 software programs.

You can consult Aconit’s galleries and databases  :

Aconit gallery

The Aconit gallery is a ludic presentation of a small group of objects extracted from Aconit Database.

Science & technic gallery

This gallery presents a group of remarkable objects inventoried in research center, laboratories and companies of the Grenoble region.


The database allows to browse an equipment, a software, or a document. Everyone can consult the descriptive sheets and photographs.

Aconit proposes guided tours of its collection. These tours are possible individually or in small groups (maximum 15 persons).

Aconit also organizes exhibitions and conferences regularly.

Guided tours are possible on Wednesday afternoon or Saturday morning. If you want to inscribe for a visit, conference or exhibition visit, send an e-mail to or call +33 (0)4 76 48 43 60

The prices for a visit is :

  • Free for the under 18
  • Others : 8€

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